Sunday, December 15, 2013

Putting on my big girl panties

Yesterday was the hardest day so far of my streak.  I thought it would be Fridays when I had plans in the evenings and would have to run at lunch leaving me sweaty for the afternoon and evening event.  But yesterday was the hardest.

All week it has been snowy, icy and cold so I have gone to the gym and run on the treadmill.  I ran two miles Friday in case the weekend proved difficult.  Eventually (in the next week) I will join the rec center, at least for the holidays and perhaps the rest of the winter.  I prefer running outside but whatever it takes.

So yesterday the roads were a little better and it wasn't quite as cold (35°F) but I had a serious hangover.  I woke up late, napped on the couch, and had plans that required leaving the house at 4:30 for a party in Middletown at 5 p.m.  In my mind I made a million excuses why it would be okay to skip one day.  Then Jody called.

She told me I had to do it.  She gave me all the reasons why and I added one of my own (that if I skipped one day it would be easier to skip two and so on).  So I put on my big girl panties (and running gear) and off I went.  It wasn't so bad and I felt great afterward.  And running today felt even better!

My streak continues!

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