Friday, March 29, 2013

Cross training to move forward...

Since the Shamrock Shuffle, I have been working to get my knees in shape.  I was in terrible pain after the race but kept walking around to keep from getting stiff.  I did however sign up for the Red Brick Run on April 21st.

First of all I went to see a physical therapist (my hairdresser's husband) for a consultation.  He told me that my hips need to be stronger which is a common problem women have with running.  He gave me exercises to do and told me to cut back to running twice a week.  Bummer!

I have an elastic band he gave me and ankle weights to use for the exercises and I do them almost every night.  I have been cycling three times a week at Phillips Gym on campus.

Also I'm taking vitamins and trying to eat large amounts of protein.  I have been trying to lay off the Ibuprophen as much as possible.

I tried to run a couple times and had so much pain in my left knee that I decided to just wait until there was no pain.  I gave myself almost two weeks off, every day feeling like I was getting behind.

So yesterday I ran!  It felt so good!!  I used my app and ran 10 minutes, walked 3 minutes, and ran 10 minutes (but I accidentally reset timer and ran about 15 instead).  Today my knee hurts but not as bad.  I went to the gym at lunch to cycle and do some upper body weights.

So, all in all, I am discovering all the possibilities for exercising that Miami offers employees.  The weight room at Phillips is free and they also offer classes.  My goal is to also add Yoga Class on Wednesdays at noon.

And fingers crossed... I'm hoping to run again on Monday at the Rec with Marie.  Track running might work out well.  Stay tuned!

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