Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Announcing My New Year's Resolution

During the last year I have been to several races with Jody and was so inspired by the people who were in them. I can even say I was a little jealous of these fat, skinny, old, young, fast, and slow people who were so pleased with themselves as they crossed the finish line where I was standing drinking Starbucks and smoking a cigarette!

Anyway, at Debbie's Christmas party I announced that my New Year's resolution was to quit smoking and start running. I knew I wanted to run and it would be really difficult with smoking so I would just use one to replace the other. I also knew that runners had told me about a "high" they get from running and I hope that will balance out the depression sometimes experienced when a person quits smoking.

So, I'm off to the races, as they say!

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