Saturday, March 18, 2017

Shamrock Shuffle 2017 - 5th year, 1st 10K

In 2013 I ran my first ever race, the Shamrock Shuffle 5K.  It was a little short of 3.1 but I did it.  This year, four years later, I ran the 10K.  While the 5K is pretty flat, the 10K includes the Beckett Ridge hill but I did it.

It was cold, sometimes windy, but at least no rain this year.  Some year I hope it is a beautiful day so we can all really enjoy the beer and food afterward.

My stats were okay.  I was under 13 min/mile so I felt good about that:

And I really like the shirt this year.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Well that was disappointing... (Bockfest 2017)

This was going to be the funnest race ever!  Jody came down from Chicago, Andy took off work, and Matt and Heather were going to be Brew Hogs with me again.  I was so excited!

We woke up the morning of the race to snow.

By the time we made it to I-275 the roads had gotten somewhat better and we were okay on time to get there.  Then, there was a wreck ahead of us that closed the interstate for three hours.

Jody, Matt and Heather arrived in time for the start but didn't run without Andy and me.  We arrived an hour late, got our medals (which we will use as bottle openers) and used our ticket vouchers to drink our free beers and skyline coneys.

And Sonia did get to meet the sausage queen.

Oh well, maybe next year we will get a hotel downtown just in case.