Saturday, February 20, 2016

First run on the beach

Son of the Beach 2016
Destin, Florida

What a fun race!  It was a last minute decision but for $20 (not including the shirt) it was a deal.  Running on the beach was definitely hard and my time was not good since I had to walk when the sand was deeper but I'm glad I did it and I would do it again!

Dad, Charlotte and I went the day before to pick up my packet and to see the course.  It was beautiful but a little intimidating!

I bought the shirt because it was very cool!  And the ice bandana came with the packet.

This is when we arrived.  It was a beautiful day although a little chilly.  This was the first race I ever did that we parked in handicapped. 

I loved being on the beach before the race even though I didn't know anyone.

The Back Porch hosted a great after party!  Beer included! 

And the medal was a dog tag.  So cool!