Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hudy 7K and Brew Hogs

Finally the quest to become brew hogs has been achieved!

Matt, Emily and I finished our third and final leg of the Christian Moerlein Beer Series to become Brew Hogs!  Hooray!

The blisters on my feet started to bother me about halfway so I walked part of the course which I am not proud of.  :(  But I did finish running!

And we plan to do it again next year!!

Another great glass and they served really good beer!

And the after party was fun as always!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

2015 RedLegs Run

Third times a charm (but so were the first and second time)!

Yesterday Matt and I (along with Michael, Andrea and Roni) ran the RedLegs Run.  It was Matt and my third year in a row.  I couldn't have done it without him.  With his encouragement I ran the entire course, despite the sweltering heat!

I'm not disappointed in my time although I was a little slower than last year.  It was hotter than the previous years.

overall place: 773 out of 1485
division place: 15 out of 55
time: 37:29
pace: 12:06

time: 34:23
pace: 11:06

time: 38:57
pace: 12:34

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Toasted Roll 5K

I ran the Toasted Roll 5K on Saturday, June 13th during Alumni Weekend 2015.  Several of my co-workers ran too!  I bought the new spirit tee to wear and it was too hot.

It was a nice route around campus and I did pretty well. There were some changes to the original route and I think it may have been a little short.

I was disappointed to stop and walk halfway through but picked back up when I was passed by another runner.  She was my pacer as she ran a bit ahead of me.  We finished together after she encouraged me to go on when I tried to stop and walk again.

I was first in my age group and gave her my award (a Miami coffee mug).  I thought I would see her at MiamiFest later however she explained her grandmother died unexpectedly the night before and she and her brother were heading home after the race.

Hope to see her again next year and wish I had a picture with her.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day Race 2015

Today Jody and I ran in the Hospice Care of Middletown's Mother's Day Walk/Run.  It was at Woodside Cemetery and went through the grounds past memory markers for hospice patients, some of whom I knew.

It was a race with a lot of contributions making it possible.  The shirt wasn't one of my favorites and they didn't have bibs (although it was timed with a shoe chip).  I loved it though and would definitely do it again.

We had to take a picture before the race in front of the crematorium just to show we were at a cemetery.

We ran into my niece Julia and Sarah before the race (Julia works for Hospice).

Here we are getting ready to start.

This is after the race, watching people at the finish line.

Julia and Sarah coming across the finish line.

And I got a medal for finishing 3rd in my age group.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Running in Bangkok

Today I ran with Andy in his neighborhood in Bangkok.

It was a spur of the moment decision after eating lots of tidbits from the little outdoor market up the soi (street).  I was stuffed and knew it was a bad time to run but it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

We ran around the block about ten times.  The first couple blocks I thought I might throw up.  The heat didn't even bother me, just my stomach.

But I'm glad I did it!  I regret not having any photos so I'm adding this picture of us the day before at the temple.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

PR baby!


Shamrock Shuffle take three!

A great time was had by all!  The beer was flowing (Fat Tire!).  The food was plentiful.  And I'm hoping when results come out I will have PR'd.  Despite the rain (which actually subsided while we were running), the weather was actually pretty pleasant.

Getting ready to run in the rain.

The Start!

Back together for year three!

Did they have Fat Tire last year?

Hanging with the Storm Trooper

My first ever Tom+Chee


This year's group!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

2015 Bockfest 5K

Yesterday I completed my first step to being a Christian Moerlein Beer Series Brew Hog. I still need to sign up for the other two races but I'll be doing that this week now that I saw people yesterday with their additional Brew Hog bibs.  Jealous!

I ran the entire course and was pretty proud of my time although not a PR.

We met at Monica's first and walked down to the start.

Then enjoyed our Bock specialty beers and Skyline chili dogs (not pictured but you know what they look like).

Friday, March 6, 2015


I love this article.  It hits home on many of the points.

Make Every Run Easier

You can't expect to breeze through every workout, but here are 32 ways to make things go smoother

Published July 09, 2007
Media: Make Every Run Easier

Number 21 describes exactly what I do when I'm intimidated by an upcoming run.
21. Visualize your run.Skiers, bobsledders and luge athletes have this one down. They do the course in their minds before heading downhill. It helps them relax and allows them to rehearse where they're going. Visualization also works in running–both in races and workouts. Gwen Heist of St. Charles, Mo., visualizes herself flying over the ground. "I also imagine myself racing the Kenyans," she says, "and trying to match their smooth style."

So this week, preparing for the Bockfest 5K I have been reviewing the route and elevation and comparing it to my neighborhood.

I got this!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

My quest to be a Brew Hog

This is the year I want to do the Christian Moerlein Beer Series and be a Brew Hog!

I have signed up for the Bockfest 5K next weekend and have been reviewing the route.  I love the shirt and medal and am looking forward to running with Matt and Monica.

I also hope to sign up for the other two races very soon (maybe at Bockfest packet pickup or the race) so I can get the "Brew Hog in Training Shirt."

Saturday, February 21, 2015